External meetings
Client check-in meeting template
An agenda template for agencies or consultants who have regular check-in meetings with their clients.
About this template
If you’re an agency or consultant, you probably have regular syncs with your clients to update them on progress, performance, and next steps. These meetings are also an opportunity to build a strong relationship and line of communication so that clients always feel valued and in-the- know about how you’re helping them meet their goals.
This template gives you a guideline of what to discuss in client calls, getting housekeeping items out of the way first and moving on to key metrics and deadlines.
Client Check-In Meeting Agenda
Updates from client
Updates from agency/consultant
Performance and metrics review
[campaign or deliverable 1]
[campaign or deliverable 2]
Budget review
Action items + deadlines
When to use this template
Use this meeting template if you’re an agency, consultant, or freelancer working with clients on time-specific or ongoing projects. Tweak it to the specific type of project you’re working on: for example, paid search campaigns, financial management, external recruiting, or a website redesign.
Send the filled-out agenda to your client a day or two ahead of time so they’re clear on what will be covered in the meeting; you can also ask via email if you can answer any pre-meeting questions they might have.