New: Vowel AI: AI-powered Q&A, catch me up, AI summaries, AI action items, & Zapier!
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On-demand recordings

Watch at 2x

Miss a meeting? Catch up in half the time. Use the timeline to find key moments or jump to a specific speaker.


Remember the most important info

AI meeting summaries capture critical info with an executive summary and timestamped topics. Save time and have everyone aligned.

Bookmark it


Mark key moments

Want to return to something important? Hit the B key to create a bookmark. You’ll see bookmarks on the meeting timeline, with reactions and comments.

In-meeting reactions

Be heard, even on mute

React with an emoji, drop in a written comment, or raise your hand. And, talk time keeps oversharing in check. Turns out you don’t always need a mic to be heard.

As a remote-first company, Vowel has laid the foundation for how we collaborate and learn from each other across time zones. Without it, we’d be screwed!

Matthias Wagner headshot

Matthias Wagner

CEO, Flux

It's time to meet better (for free!)