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Team meetings

Growth team meeting template

A growth team meeting agenda that focuses on learning and experimentation.

Template author

Jim Huffman [Source]

About this template

Not seeing the growth you want? Jim Huffman, CEO of GrowthHit, has been there. On his search to ramp up growth and scale, he researched the expert-certified growth frameworks used by big companies like Dropbox and Airbnb to create strategies for increasing growth.

This team meeting agenda reviews key metrics and data from the latest growth cycle while pushing your team to think about the future. Use this template when you want to revitalize your growth team meeting and keep track of your progress!

Growth Team Meeting Agenda 

15 Minutes: Metrics Review & Update Focus Area

  • Review data around the OMTM (One metric that matters) 

  • Reflect upon the positive factors vs negative factors

  • What to focus on now (short term and long term)

10 Minutes: Review Last Week’s Tests

  • Review number of tests and what we learned

15 Minutes: Key Lessons Learned for Experiments

  • Positive vs. Negative (embrace the failures)

15 Minutes: What to Focus on in this Cycle

  • Take growth idea nominations from the group based on ease of implementation and impact.

5 Minutes: Growth Check of Idea Pipeline

Source: Jim Huffman

When to use this template

This template is ideal for weekly growth team meetings at startups or scale-ups. By aligning the team focus around the key metrics and experiments, this agenda ensures your team is always learning and iterating.

Make sure one person (usually the growth lead) owns the agenda and can round up the metrics and key results each week, and look back at what you covered last week, including any action items. Vowel can help with this!

Run better meetings with Vowel

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Create an agenda (or use a template!) so everyone is on the same page before the meeting.

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Vowel has one-click recording and transcription, so you can stay focused on the discussion.

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End every meeting with shared notes, links, and action items — all in a post-meeting recap.

Related agendas

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Sales Team Meeting Agenda

1. Brief the team (5 minutes)

  • Company updates that affect sales

  • Follow up on the questions from previous meetings

2. Team discusses their updates and obstacles (10 minutes)

  • Discuss major leads

  • Break down current metrics

  • Status report

  • Listen for potential hurdles

3. Amplify key wins (5 minutes)

  • Praise salespeople who appreciate public recognition for specific events

  • Allow others to share appreciation

4. Invite ideas, questions and collaboration (5 minutes)

  • Exchange thoughts and ideas

  • Motivate and encourage your team

5. Decide on next steps (5 minutes)

  • Appoint individuals to follow up on important items from meeting

  • Set expectations for the next meeting

6. Close the meeting

  • Summarize the meeting & thank everyone for their time

Source: Salesforce

Team meetings

Sales team meeting template

A 6-step agenda to help you run more productive and motivating sales team meetings.

Customer Support Team Meeting Agenda 

1. Updates or “Quick Fire Topics” - Leader and Relevant Stakeholders (10-15 minutes) If an update does not affect the majority of the team, it probably does not need to be delivered through this channel.

2. [New Project Intro] - Project Leaders (10-20 minutes) This could be a kickoff or update to a project that affects the whole team: implementing a new phone system, overhauling the Help Center content, introducing a new way to triage tickets, etc.

3. Questions and Action Item Assignment - Everyone (10 minutes)

Source: Craig Stoss

Team meetings

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